Use Organic Cotton and Save the World and Human Health Using Organic Products

In the recent few years there has been an enormous enlarge in the demand of Organic Clothes and Products around the World. They became trendy because of a smaller amount of availability of cotton in the world. Even though Organic and Naturally Manufacturing Products is also available in the market they are not as comfortable as original cotton but it is satisfying the demand of people who love to wear Cotton Clothes. But before considering Organic Cotton of low quality one should carry out a research in order to find out the how Organic Cotton is much healthier than the Ordinary Cotton for Human Beings and Environment.

Organic cotton is generally defined as cotton that is grown organically in subtropical countries such as Turkey, China, India, Tanzania, Syria and parts of the USA from non-genetically modified plants, and without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. Its production sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people by using natural processes rather than artificial inputs. Importantly organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals or GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Instead, it combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote a good quality of life for all involved.

Some Advantages of Using Organic Cotton Products:

  • ·        Better for the Environment
  • ·        Using less Synthetic Fabric
  • ·        Chemicals less cotton fabric
  • ·        Conservation of natural resources
  • ·        Better lives for cotton farmers
  • ·        Higher Quality Products
  • ·        Less Corporate control of farms with GMOS (Genetically Modified Organisms)
  • ·        Highly durable
  • ·        Long time Usable

Cotton is primarily one of those crops which are extremely vulnerable to the number of species of insects and pests so in order to defend it from insects and pests the cotton growers spray number of types of pesticides. In a study it has been found that about thirty percent (30%) of the world's insecticides and about twelve to fifteen percent (12% to 15%) of world's pesticides are used to guard the cotton crops. We presumption now you can understand the reason behind using Organic Cotton Sheets. Using Organic Cotton curbs insecticides and pesticides from being splashed in the air which saves our Atmosphere. The Environment Shield Organization in United States of America stated seven out of top fifteen pesticides which are used for cotton as one of the most Environment Polluting Pesticides. Those seven pesticides are as: Acephate, Trifluralin, Fluometuron, Pendimethalin, Diuron, Tribufos and Dichloropropene.

In order to present you an idea that how these pesticides concern our Environment, Human health and the growth of plants in the nature we are citing an incident over here. In the few years ago a small amount of workers reentered the cotton field when sodium chlorate and Tribufos was sprayed in that area. About six of them had to pursue a medical procedure soon after they reentered the field and some of them are having very severe health problems till date. So Use Organic Cotton as a replacement of Original Cotton as its good for Environment and for the Health of Human Being.

Anna Sova Luxury Organics, goal was to build the finest quality Eco responsible products for the entire home. We want you to be a part of our change. Anna Sova will help support other organizations on the front line of saving the earth and its endangered creatures by dedicating a percentage of sales to them. We Produce hand fired bamboo, and FSC reforested wood; draperies made of certified organically processed silk, cotton, and linen; organic cotton carpets made with the Tibetan Government in Exile; and flooring made of formaldehyde-free bamboo and wood. We also made numerous other Eco home accessories, Organic Cotton Sheets, Luxury Designer Organic Bedding Collections, most importantly: the finest quality certified organic linens in the world (previously SKAL, now GOTS certified).


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